Heal and Let The Good Vibes Flow

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The most ancient idea in the art of healing is that disease is caused by imbalances in the body. Importantly this includes the body’s energy field. Energy healing works to restore balance in the energy body in a very gentle, non intrusive way. The impacts I’ve witnessed on myself and others is something that I’ve found absolutely fascinating since I first started learning in 2014.

We are very physical creatures. Human beings have a natural tendency to focus on what can be seen but it’s worth remembering that everything in the universe is made of energy whether that energy manifests in physical form or remains invisible to us. Humans are made of matter which is made of energy.

Every human and object has an energy field with its own vibrational frequency. This energy is the vital energy that enters and surrounds the body and plays a crucial role in our health. It is also an incredible ‘sense’ that many of us use, without even being aware of it. As Bruce Lipton explains in The Biology of Belief “all organisms, including humans, communicate and read their environment by evaluating energy fields.” He goes on to state that because humans are so dependent on spoken and written language, we have neglected our energy-sensing communication system. 

Think of a time when you’ve met someone and immediately felt good in their presence and found a ‘spark’ between the two of you. You might say that person has a ‘good’ vibe.  Conversely, I’m sure there have been times when you’ve met someone or walked in a room and immediately felt uncomfortable, as if there’s some sort of ‘bad’ vibe. These vibes are the vibrations that you pick up from people and objects and it’s the energy that radiates out into the world.  It’s effectively what introduces you to people before you even get the chance to speak.

Neena Healing

Your Thoughts And Emotions Are Energy

The ‘vibe’ that you detect from others is essentially dictated by the thoughts and emotions of that person.   All our thoughts and emotions are energy that are housed within our energy body. Each emotion has a different vibrational frequency. For example, grief is an emotion with one of the lowest vibrations whereas love holds the highest vibration. We tend to experience a whole array of different emotions over the course of a day, sometimes within a few hours and as emotions come and go, they create a temporary state within us.   

Sometimes, emotions may become trapped within us – perhaps determined by how strong they are, how long they last or our own ability to recognise the emotion and move the energy through us. Dr Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code, explains that everyone has trapped emotions, because everyone has had difficult experiences in life. He explains that ‘even a temporary struggle or a particularly bad day can produce a trapped emotion’.

These trapped emotions may then go on to cause physical conditions within the body as they block the flow of energy, thus causing imbalances. You will no doubt be able to link certain emotions to feelings within your body, for example, stressful situations resulting in the build up of physical tension, or anxious thoughts impacting your digestive system or bowel movements. The longer the trapped emotions remain within the body, the more likely a problem will result.


Letting Go

Trapped emotions can be released very gently during an energy healing session without the need to relive a traumatic event that may have caused those trapped emotions in the first place. This can have radical impacts on how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally as you come back into balance. If you are suffering with long term aches, pains or illnesses or you just don’t feel yourself then I’d highly recommend trying some energy healing.

Most importantly though, is to learn how to identify and ‘let go’ of emotions yourself.  An important first step, is to build awareness of your emotions and learn to welcome them in and accept them, rather than resist and bury them.  You may also look to understand what part of your body is holding the emotion.  By accepting the emotion and letting go of any resistance around that emotion, you will start to change the energy of that emotion and healing with happen. You can also transform energy by doing activities that help you to ‘process’ an emotion for example, activities such as exercise, writing, talking with a friend/family member, listening to music or doing something that makes you feel really good. This will help you raise your vibration and you will start to feel more vibrant, energetic, stronger and more emotionally resilient. Try and schedule in time each day, just for you, to undertake an activity that makes you feel great - even just for a short time, this will help keep your vibration high and help you physically, emotionally and mentally.

There are also some brilliant books that teach techniques to ‘let go’, including The Sedona Method, The Emotion Code or techniques such as Ho’oponopono described in the book Zero Limits.  I’ll be talking more about some of these techniques in future blogs so look out for those.

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have comments or questions – I’d love to hear from you.

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Neena Saith

Neena Saith

Neena works with business professionals to help them overcome physical ailments by releasing stuck emotions that are often rooted in stress and trauma. She draws upon training in several different energy healing modalities and works intuitively to reach a resolution.   Neena is a great believer of empowering people to connect within and tune into their own energy in order to heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 


Interoception: The Key to Unlocking Emotional Regulation and Well-Being