Customer transformational stories
Laura’s story
I worked with Neena a while ago and when I heard she had recently trained in Root Cause Therapy, I knew I had to hear more. I have had talking therapy on and off over the years but haven’t been able to shift many reoccurring feelings or thoughts.
My main aim was to settle my stomach which had been uncomfortable for a long time and also gain mental clarity. Over six sessions I was amazed at the results! My stomach settled and eczema that always flared when I was stressed cleared up. Best of all I felt I was able to let go of a lot of old thoughts, feelings and energy that I didn’t even realise I was hanging onto - lots of things buried in my subconscious.
I also feel much brighter, less anxious and less quick to react to stressful situations or conflict. Also, I was struck by how much I felt like ‘me’ again - which made me realise that I must have not felt like that for a long time!
Thank you as always Neena for your guidance, wisdom & care, it is very much appreciated.
Erica’s story
I met Neena when I lost confidence and questioned myself in every aspect of life. Neena helped me change my perspective of life and the energy I have and give to others around me. I also learned continuous self-development which helps set me on the right track when new incidences happen that could otherwise affect me negatively.
I'm putting more emphasis on my own feelings instead of how other people feel about me, and make decisions that are true to those feelings. I'm also feeling more confident and more open to embracing new people and relationships in my life.
Linda’s story
Before my introduction to Neena I was feeling emotionally overwhelmed trying to cope with a demanding key worker role throughout Covid 19. I was also having regular night headaches up to six times a week along with arthritic joint pains in my hands, feet and knees.
Over a period of three weeks and weekly healing sessions with Neena I started to feel more emotionally balanced and positive. The night headaches reduced in severity and frequency to the point I haven’t had any in the past month. I was amazed to find my joints seemed less stiff and painful-in particular the mobility in my hands improved. Alongside this I have managed to follow a more healthy eating pattern with a weight loss of nearly a stone. The healing process was a very pleasant, calming and non-invasive treatment.
Neena explained how the healing works simply and effectively which has encouraged me to find our more about this beneficial alternative therapy for both mental and physical issues.
Nisha’s story
I was feeling deflated, low and stressed which was affecting my health and especially my digestive system. I always seemed to feel bloated even though I was careful of what I was eating. I decided to have a couple of Healing sessions with Neena.
Neena is so easy to talk to and explained the healing process to me. She knew exactly why I was feeling the way I was and was a big reassurance for me that I was in the right hands. After my second session, I had no more bloating, or any digestive problems, overall I felt I had more energy and strength. I would definitely recommend everyone and anyone to try Energy Healing and Neena is just so calm and patient.
Karen’s story
I had been suffering with really bad back and hip pain for 7 months and before I saw Neena I was struggling to walk, let alone sit properly and on continuous pain medication plus wearing heat packs all day just to get through the day. After just two and a half sessions, I am so pleased to report that I can now walk further distances, sit at my desk with minimal pain and have not had to take any pain medications for weeks. I am even starting to do more strenuous exercise which I have not been able to do for a really long time.
Thank you so much Neena, you are like my guardian angel and I feel blessed you came into my life.
Sue’s story
My productivity has improved massively. I'm more focused and have a "Get it done" feeling – and I am actually getting the things done! Plus I feel so much more upbeat and joyful. Also my knee injury is unbelievably better: more movement and flexibility, and no pain any more.
Helen’s story
I did some sessions with Neena with the goal of reducing day-to-day social anxiety and to find the confidence to set and uphold boundaries more.
Literally after the first session, I felt a profound big release of old feelings, some of which I wasn’t even aware of and my whole psyche has shifted. People around me have commented on the change. As we continued to work together, I noticed behaviour changes, such as the ability to uphold boundaries at work and in my private life much more easily.
I am naturally taking time to implement more acts of self-care in my everyday life and responding to people differently, i.e. feeling less triggered. I have felt a much deeper sense of inner peace. I believe in myself more and can now speak my truth, without feeling like I need to say what people want me to say, definitely becoming less of a ‘people’ pleaser and listening more to my intuition and how I feel. I can say ‘no’ now! I feel like I’ve finally found my voice. This is extremely freeing!
From my first appointment, my anxiety bubble has burst with my anxiety levels going from a consistent 9/10 down to 2/10. Through the treatments with Neena, I have had a big realisation of how much energy I was wasting worrying about what other people think and this has really helped me gain a deeper sense of inner peace. This has been priceless.
Three months on from my initial treatment, I am still continuing to notice differences which is fantastic result! I continue to uphold boundaries at work and in my private life and I feel so much more confident in my own skin and less anxious.
Corinne’s story
When I first visited visited Neena at the Natural Health Hub I was at breaking point. I had been experiencing horrendous back pain for 2.5 years which was starting to affect my mental health, then during the COVID-19 pandemic I started experiencing shortness of breath, awful pain in my tummy and chest along with heart palpitations which would make my whole body shake and I would end up having to call in sick at work (very unlike me) but I just could not see myself getting through the day.
I had already experienced great relief with complementary therapy some years ago with Sue’s homoeopathic remedies and decided to look on the website where I was drawn immediately to Neena’s work, I booked an appointment with her and on arrival, Neena’s approach was kind and caring which immediately put me at ease.
After our first session I just knew that I felt different I couldn’t explain how but things were changing. She provided me with techniques and ideas to use at home to help me on my healing journey and if I doubted myself at all would be at the end of a message to guide me with the positivity I needed to hear. I continued to see Neena a few more times each time I felt shifts it felt like magic working throughout my body and I felt lighter than I had done in years, like a weight was lifted of my shoulders, the pain gradually subsided and the panic attacks stopped after 2 weeks I was back to work .
I fell in love with the feeling of peace in my heart from this wonderful energy healing and was encouraged by Neena to participate in some self healing courses that I am still currently participating in and am thoroughly enjoying throughout my now painless journey.
Forever grateful ❤️”
Vie’s story
I live with disabilities and chronic conditions; unfortunately, sometimes, one will flare up and become hugely painful. A couple of months ago, that happened with my back. Literally every movement sent my back into spasm; I couldn't walk upright; and I couldn't move anywhere without leaning on something. When someone recommended Neena, I was desperate and willing to consider anything, even if I didn't understand it.
Neena booked me in incredibly quickly (Thank you!) and, over the course of two weeks, I had three sessions. After the first session, my back was more bearable; by the next day, I could walk upright again. Over the three sessions, my back got back to normal, better than, even. Now, when spasms happen, they go really quickly, which is amazing!
I still don't understand what Neena does but I know she does it brilliantly and I have no hesitation in recommending her highly. Thank you so much!
Margarida’s story
I met Neena at a time when I was suffering with back pain.
In the past I have had great results with chiropractic treatment and the idea that someone might be able to solve my problem without touching my back seemed impossible, but at this time I was unable to get to a chiropractor and was struggling so much, I decided to give it a go.
Nothing in the world could have ever prepared me for the great results I had after the treatment! It simply worked! It’s now been over 2 months since that treatment and that pain hasn’t come back at all!
I was so impressed that I trusted Neena with the most important and most fragile person in my life, my own mother. Again, the results spoke for themselves. My mother struggled with both physical ailments but also with depression and she came out of the treatment free from her physical pain, but also in a much more positive and uplifted mood. Whatever you think about energy healing, don’t think! Just give Neena a chance to show you how she can make things better for you!
I will always recommend her to the ones I love.